TheFutureOfEuropes Wiki

Mappers have their own Polandball-style comics and pictures, known as FoEballs. In these pictures and comics, Mappers uses their own Official Nations. They may also include Modern Nations and Historical Nations to tell stories, interact and do all sorts of funny stuff for your entertainment! Here you can find these pictures and comics.

You can post your own nationballs here if you'd like to. You can also create comics by using these nationballs! FoE doesn't mean Forge of Empires, before you ask.

Before you make any comics, read ALL of this.

Ethan's Tutorial (v1.2)

[1] (v1.3 beta 1)

MappingPez's Tutorial

Not to be confused with Pictures but this is just for stylizing your Country or making cool poses.

Main Article: Mapperballs

Basically a Polandball that represents us mappers. For example, 99batran could be portrayed as Americaball but without glasses and different 
