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The location of the island

The Republic of CorvoZìrán is a mountainous island country located in the Pacific ocean.

CorvoZìrán flag-0

The Flag

with A relatively large population of 30~30.5 million, the island is known for its great farmers and its breathtaking landscape.

The origin of the name

the word "Corvo" (Home) came from the locals. the word "Ziran" came

from Chinese meaning nature, so the name of the country is the "home of nature".

until 1905 the country was only called "The island of Corvo" but Prince Chun (ruler of Qing dynasty at the time) ordered to change the name in order to show unity between the new Chinese citizens and the locals

The origin of the flag

The flag of corvoZìrán consists of two parts (sides):

The green: represents the past of the island before the Chinese came to the island, its white to show that time was "pure" and "naïve", a simpler time when the locals weren't aware of the outside world. the eagle represents the "islandic eagle" which was found on the island and became the symbol of the country.

The yellow: represents the Chinese Influence on the island using the sun and the Chinese symbol for nature.


we can tell by archaeological findings that the island was ruled by tribes that fought for control, the people on the island never knew about the outside world until they were discovered by the outside world

the island was discovered by the Dutch empire in 1758, surprisingly the Dutch decided not to colonize the island because they thought it was worthless. instead, the Dutch started working with the locals by treading information, the locals taught the dutch about new farming methods while the Dutch brought Christianity to the island and taught the locals about ship making.

with the new information and the Upgraded ships the locals found Asia, they began to trade with the Chinese and the Japanese in that time the island got a flag (the white side of the current flag) and an official name.

the first ruler of the island was king Ko Wolderink who untied the island.

the country was independent until it was Colonized by the Qing dynasty in 1899. Guanxu the 11th Emperor of the Qing Dynasty saw it as his responsibility to unite what he saw as fellow Chinese man because they were so primitive he saw it as his Duty to share with them the good of the more "Superior people" in the Chinese mainland.

in 1898 The Chinese used "the new army" ( 新軍) to conquer the island in the "corvoinsh-chinese war"

at the time the move was criticized by the Japanese and Western governments, this of course made the dynasty even more unstable and today we can see this war as one of the main reasons for the rise of the Republic both the Chinese people on the mainland and those on the island didn't really feel a connection to each other at first today they are much closer but then the move was heavily criticized from within and without Chian.

after becoming a colony the natives began to fight the new Chinese overlords but after a month of fighting in the island the resistance tried to reach out for Western powers for help and funding they were turned down everytime they tried,nobody wanted to go against China because of the trade. they understood they have no chance to win without help so they decided to adopt and accept the Chinese way of life (one example of this is the struggle between the two main religions that were now present on the island: Confucianism and Christianity)

World War II: during the war citizens of the island were called by the PRC and the nationalist government to join the war against Japan, some joined for ideological reason: supporting the communist movement or supporting the Nationalist government and some just because they believed their home would be next after the Japanese annexed the mainland ,however, nobody was forced to join the army, probably because the Nationalist government didn't need more manpower and didn't want to upset the natives adding more to their Troubles at the time, Japanese planes bombed the island almost daily causing deaths of countless civilians, after the Japanese invaded the island some of the worst massacres and Human experiments in the war occurred, the island was liberated in November 1944 by The Americans with General MacArthur saying on its liberation day:

"The people here might have been the most oppressed during the last year's in all of Asia but today the liberated people here bring us one step closer to Mainland Japan! soon the sun will set upon the Rising Sun!".

The Chinese Civil War: During the Chinese civil war corvoZìrán remained loyal to the Republic of China but the PRC saw the strategic value the island holds, so in 1950 the PRC after feeling disappointed with being unable to take Taiwan looked on to the next Target, Mao ordered "operation red lake" which was a full-scale Invasion plan where the PRC tried to take the island however they the natives knew this was coming and right after the Japanese left the island became " the most fortified land in the Pacific" (Yao Ping, head of the Crvonish armed forces, when asked about the war, 1954) hold the Communist Army off long enough for the Americans to step in and completely halt the offensive.

During the cold war:

After recovering from the war the colony had two more years of rebuilding, fighting the Japanese helped Bridge any disagreements the different populations had and so after a quick referendum in 1952 the island under the first prime minister Pao Yo and his first established government declared its independence and the formation of the Republic, most Nations immediately accepted its independence including its former Overlord with Chiang Kai-shek saying this on its independence: "it is ridiculous to think we can have a colony in our current state... we are not Britain or France the people wish to be free we will let them, furthermore I look forward to cooperate with our friends and establish embassies and trade deals"

During the Cold War the new formerly made Republic which at this point was recognized by almost the entire world except for the PRC, make sure to cooperate closely with: Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and with both South and North Korea (later only with the South).

The island quickly joined what was before the "Four Asian Tigers" (Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan) which meant the economy of the island focused on rapid industrialization and maintained exceptionally high growth rates 

when asking on which side the nation was aligned during the Cold War you can't get one answer, while ideologically it was closer to the Western powers many of the natives still believed in communism and socialism and rooted for the Soviet Union and the PRC, at one point during the 60s left-leaning parties within the government offered a reunification with the PRC but the idea was rejected by the people.

The island nation was pressured from both sides to pick one superpower they prefer, in response, CorvoZìrán joined The Non-Aligned Movement thus showing the rest of the world they don't want to take part In this global conflict and so during the rest of the Cold War CorvoZìrán mainly rebuilt and established connections with other nations.

Modern Day:

Today CorvoZìrán is an urban and modern Republic, it's considered a very beautiful country attracting people from all around the world two seats unique views, in 2016 "Times" magazine praised the nation for "Views like in Hawaii but Urban and impressive cities just like in Singapore and Taiwan. This Asian Dragon of a Nation is a must-visit for anyone even remotely fascinated with Asian modern culture"

Biggest Cites:

The biggest city and capital is Sunho with 9 million people and the International Airport.

The 5 big cites
Name Population
Sunho 9 million
Jarlig 5 million
Manjin 3 million
Xuping 1.8 million
Soksu 1.5 million